RSS Feeds.

The best way to keep up-to-date with this site is to subscribe by RSS. Here's a couple of feeds that you can choose from.

  1. Blog Feed RSS Feed

    A feed of my most recent blog posts are they're published.

  2. The Backend Shop Feed RSS Feed

    A feed of my projects and software templates.

  3. Links to other sites, feeds and blogs that I've found interesting, sometimes called a "Blogroll".

What's RSS?

It was a somewhat forgotten technology, but it's still supported on plenty of sites. RSS feed's give you control of how you consume content from the internet.

There even seems to be an RSS renaissance in recent years.

RSS technically stands for "Really Simple Syndication" and it's often actually using the "Atom" specification instead of the actual RSS specification, but in practice it works a lot like notifications or a social media feed.

An RSS feed is a website link that shows new content on a site as it's published. They're chronologically ordered and you're in control of what you read and how.

Once you get (back?) into RSS feeds you'll probably end up collecting a few feeds from your favourite sites. Almost all blogs support RSS by default even if it is not advertised, and a bunch of other sites support RSS too, even YouTube Channels and Sub-Reddits have RSS feeds.

The best part is that it's completely decentralised and data portable. If you're not happy with your RSS reader, you can export all your feeds as OPML file and move to another reader without missing a beat.

P.S. did you know the whole podcasting world runs on RSS too?

Learn more about RSS here.

How to use RSS?

To read RSS feeds, you'll need an RSS reader. Here's a few RSS readers that I can recommend:

It's a great way to keep reading the stuff you actually like online without overloading your email inbox or being at the mercy of a middle-man, who may have some other interest than you reading what you want. i.e. social media and their ads or engagement goals.