A few years ago, I wrote a post about setting up Jekyll on Docker.
Since then, there have been some changes.
Jekyll seems largely forgotten, becoming less supported by the community, and although it still adopted by many still due to Github using it for their static hosting of Github Pages.
Plus, Ruby is not the most common of web-dev languages nowadays, and so running ruby and Jekyll on your host doesn't make much sense - in come containers.
However, even the "official" docker image at jekyll/jekyll
(which was actually provided by the Github repo https://github.com/envygeeks/jekyll-docker/) has been abandoned for some years.
As a result of all of this, using Jekyll, we'll often see breaking changes that require some level of effort to solve. This last thing you need when publishing.
Maybe it's finally a good time to migrate to Eleventy?
In the meantime, here's a more updated repo by "bretfisher/jekyll-serve".
And a slight security improvement over the original compose file, notably the specification of localhost.
version: "3"
image: bretfisher/jekyll-serve
- .:/site
command: jekyll serve --force_polling --drafts --unpublished
# command: bundle update
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